58 Park Avenue
New York City, New York 10016

Out of Scandinavia: New Indie Music from the Nordics

Out of Scandinavia is an on-going series of uniquely selected musical performances the first Thursday of each month, headlining a myriad of fresh Nordic musicians that features one-off and premiere performances. Through subtle, deft curating of disparate styles, Out of Scandinavia will satiate your craving for innovative and compelling new indie music from the Nordics.

Double Bill: Hafdís Huld & The Migrant

A rich blend of psychedelic folk and dreamy, disjointed pop with songs full of vivid imagery, carefully crafted lyrics, and catchy hooks from Icelandic songstress Hafdís Huld and Danish one-man act The Migrant.

Official Website: http://www.scandinaviahouse.org/events_concerts_upcoming.html

Added by American-Scandinavian Foundation on February 24, 2011



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