PLEASE CLICK HERE: www.tramp2009.eventbrite.com
Imagine yourself immersed in dance, surrounded by the beauty of the Texas Hill Country. You wake each morning with a ritual stretch on the green banks of the Guadalupe River. Your days are leisurely paced with morning and afternoon classes and plenty of time for hiking, swimming, shopping, practicing, and relaxing. Your nights are filled with music and dance, with henna, campfires, and with frienships old and new. This is TRAMP!
The first of its kind in Texas, Tribal Dance Camp aka TRAMP is held at Camp Arrowhead - a girls' camp in the summer months. The accommodations are rustic, but not primitive. Lodging is provided in community cabins, all wired with electricity. The community baths have private stalls and hot water. Three hearty meals and snacks are provided by the catering staff in the indoor dining hall. Classes are held in a spacious hall with hardwood floors, a raised stage, and a professional sound system. Shows and evening events are held on the river banks and in the dance hall.
The beauty of the Hill Country is breathtaking in APRIL. This women-only retreat is the perfect, serene environment in which to expand your creative horizons and revitalize your passion for dance!
SAD NEWS 02/20/09
Dear Campers,Since we began in October 2005, Bahaia's Belly Dance Camps -affectionately known as Camparet and Tramp - have been held athistoric Camp Arrowhead in Hunt, TX. This beautiful, serene settinghas been our backdrop for amazing dance experiences and lastingmemories. And while students may have initially been drawn to DanceCamp by the notoriety of our guest instructors, many more have comeback year after year because they love Camp Arrowhead and the wholeDance Camp experience!In late January, we received the SAD NEWS that our dear CampArrowhead would be put on the market and once sold, will be closingits gates forever. However, we have now confirmed that Camp Arrowheadwill honor our dates for one last Dance Camp on April 16-19, 2009. Ina sense, offering us one last hurrah...TRAMP & CAMPARET have typically attracted their own unique group ofcampers; devotees of one style/influence or another... with just alittle bit of overlap by the die-hard camp fans. In order to makethis final experience appealing to EVERYONE, we have expanded theofferings for TRAMP 2009 to attract dancers of all persuasions andmake this the MOST AMAZING CAMP EVER!9 hours with Belly Dance Super Star, KAMI LIDDLE2 hours with Bahaia4 hours with Brandy3 hours with Michelle Joyce3 hours with MagidahWith a few classes running concurrently, you get your choice of 15hours of amazing instruction in everything from Tribal Fusion,Improvisational Tribal Style (ITS), Bhangra, Folkloric, Belly DanceHistory, Egyptian Golden Era, Cabaret, and some cross-over topicsthat will appeal to everyone! Not to mention... Performances,Shopping, Crafts, Games, Henna, Hiking, Swimming, Campfires and more!All for the same reasonable price of $445.50; which includes allactivities, meals, lodging and a nifty tee-shirt that you'll cherishfor life!We have EXTENDED the registration deadlines! This gives you a littlemore time to pinch some pennies and come to camp! As always - spaceis limited to 50 campers.Payment Plan: Only $100 down by March 1, $345.50 due by April 4 -small fee applies.Early Registration: $445.50 due by April 4 - no extra fees!CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE & REGISTER NOW!
http://www.tramp2009.eventbrite.comDon't miss this last chance to say goodbye to Camp Arrowhead! Comecamp and dancewith us!Bahaia & BrandyINSTRUCTORS=============
* KAMI LIDDLE of Belly Dance Super StarsSan Diego, CA
Brandy BollinHurst, TX
BahaiaAustin, TX
Michelle JoyceSan Francisco, CA
MagidahPortland, OR
PLEASE CLICK HERE: www.tramp2009.eventbrite.com
Organized by Tribal Evolution & Bahaia's HOT SeminarsBrandy and the ladiesof Tribal Evolutionwill be hosting this event.
Wehope to make this one of the most enjoyable events you have ever attended! Thank you for your support and please let us know how we may be of service to you.
"TRAMP"was the vision and creation of Bahaia & HOT Seminars.Since 1996 and withover 30 successful events, Bahaia has now "passed the torch"of TRAMP to Brandy Bollin and Tribal Evolution so that they may continuethe tradition of master level instruction and high quality personal service in this most unique atmosphere. Bahaia will continue toparticipate in"TRAMP" as well as produce the sister-event, "CAMPARET", every year in October.
Official Website: http://tramp2009draft-upcoming.eventbrite.com