The Our Fathers World Seminar is a seminar that builds on the content of the book "Our Father's World - Mobilizing the Church to Care for Creation" by Ed Brown, Director of Care of Creation.
This is a 5-hour seminar held on Saturday from 9am - 4pm.
The intended audience is evangelical Christians who are concerned
and perhaps confused about the role that they, and their churches,
should be playing in responding to todays environmental crisis.
Beginning with the Bibles teaching about God and his world, the
seminar will help participants to understand how things they already
believe lead to a reasonable and consistent and nonpolitical
response to environmental issues.
Practical topics include integrating creation care with worship,
Christian education and local outreach, the place of creation care in
missions, and ways that individuals and families can begin making
creation-friendly lifestyle changes.
** Sorry but tickets purchased for this event are non-refundable.
Seminar Synopsis:
Session A: By Him and For Him: The Meaning of the Universe
Environmental concern is often described as stewardship and as
Christians we agree. Stewardship of the earth is a profoundly Christian
concept. But we cannot be effective stewards of creation until we
understand what the Creator had in mind. Why did God create creation?
What did he have in mind for the human race in that process?
Session B: Leading the Cosmic Orchestra: A New Perspective on Fall & Redemption
Environmental problems are sin problems. Okay but what does that
mean? From Dr. Seuss book, The Lorax, to Jared Diamonds recent
best-seller, Collapse, well see how environmental problems come right
out of the sin in our hearts. And we will also begin to understand that
Gods redemptive plan is broader and deeper than many of us ever
realized. That redemption is reversing the curse of sin throughout all
of creation
Session C: A Perfect Storm: Todays Environmental Crisis is Different
Environmental problems have dogged the human race for centuries
but the crisis on our doorstep is different. Its a perfect storm
comprised of a world with more human beings than ever before, many of
whom are wealthier than ever before, but millions of whom are poorer
than ever before. This volatile combination of population, prosperity,
poverty and the resulting political turmoil makes for a global crisis
that is unprecedented. We will learn that, while climate change grabs
the headlines, it is only one small part of a crisis that threatens the
future of the human race and many, many of Gods other creatures as
Session D: What Should We Do? Creation Care begins at Home
Organized by Care of Creation, Inc.We are a Christian environmental organization,
seeking to awaken and mobilize the Church to care for Gods creation in
the face of an environmental crisis that is devastating vast areas of
the world and hurting our brothers and sisters in the faith.
We are also a missions organization because we
believe that environmental problems are sin problems, and we are
convinced that the Church of Jesus Christ is the worlds best hope for
dealing with this crisis.
Simply stated, we believe that missions and care for Gods creation belong together.Were about
Loving God by worshiping him in all we do;Loving Gods People by sharing the good news we have in Jesus Christ, and by strengthening and empowering local Congregations to join inLoving Gods World by working with and through his people to care for and heal Gods hurting creation.For more information, visit us at www.careofcreation.org
Ticket Info: - Pre-Registration, General Admission, $40.00
- At The Door, General Admission, $45.00
- Student Admission, $25.00
Official Website: http://careofcreation-upcoming.eventbrite.com