Spend a night with one of New York’s naughtiest comedy acts around, when the legendary duo Otto & George take the stage for one night only at COMIX.
No matter what you think you're seen or heard before, you have never seen anything as outrageous as the legendary Otto & George. Within seconds of hitting the stage, Otto's mannequin George comes to life with an explosive barrage of insults, bad taste and pontifications about life that would even make a truck driver blush. He'll lay waste to every politically correct social precept, those in the first two rows of the audience and anyone daring enough to get up to go to the bathroom. When Otto & George co-hosted the Porno Awards in Las Vegas, they were later told that they offended the people in attendance: Now that's extreme!
Saturday, February 3rd – 10:30 PM - $20
To purchase tickets call 212.524.2500 or go to www.comixny.com.
Official Website: http://www.comixny.com