Ottawa Classic Gaming Show
"A chance for collectors and fans of classic video games to come together and share their passion for everything gaming."
DOOR PRIZES, TOURNAMENTS, CHARITY RAFFLE, NEW & RETRO GAMING GEAR and MORE! Atari 2600, NES/SNES, Sega, TurboGrafx, Neo-Geo, and every other console under the sun!
Sunday 22 October 2006
12-6pm (vendors arrive at 11am to set up their tables)
Fenn Lounge, Carleton University (Residence Commons)
1233 Colonel By Drive
Ottawa, ON
$5 general admission; $10 if you want a table. All proceeds from the event are going to Computers for Schools Ontario (a registered charity).
For table rentals and other enquiries, please email to:
Official Website:
Added by ocgs on September 30, 2006