Finding money can be a challenge - even more so in tough economic times. And maybe you don't want to use (or don't have a concept that qualifies for) angel investment or venture capital. So in difficult times, how do you finance your startup?
Carolynn Duncan, founder at The Hundred Dollar Business. Current projects include, the Seattle Startup Wiki. She also consults with entrepreneurs who are prepping for angel/VC funding, streamlining operations, or need to begin generating revenue. Read more about Carolynn at her LinkedIn profile
Where: OTBC (directions)
Parking: free, next door in the parking garage
MAX: Beaverton Central stop (Blue line, one stop west of the Beaverton Transit Center)
When: noon to 1pm
Price: $10 (includes lunch) if paid by the day before; $15 at the door
Beaverton, OR 97005 - USA
Tuesday, January 13 at 12:00 PM
Added by PortlandTen on January 7, 2009