OSGi Users' Forum UK Meeting #1
This will be the inaugural meeting of the OSGi Users' Forum UK. Its free to attend but only open to members. Free membership can be applied for at
18hr00 - Registration
18hr15 - Welcome & Intro to the OSGi Users' Forum UK
18hr45 - OSGi DevCon Review (Neil Bartlett)
19hr15 - OSGi Development Tooling Summit Review (David Savage)
19hr45 - What do you want from the Forum? (Open Floor)
20hr15 - Meeting Close & Retire to the Pub
Speaker Bios:
Neil Bartlett isa Java developer and consultant specialising in Eclipse RCP, RAP and OSGi, in particular their use in large enterprise settings. Recently he has helped a number of financial institutions with their adoption of RCP and evangelises the use of the Eclipse/OSGi technology platform for both client and server-side development. Neil is also the author of "OSGi in Practice", an introductory book on OSGi which is available for free under a Creative Commons license. Neil's blog can be found at
David Savage isa software engineer focused on building scalable, modular, dynamic networked software. Currently working for Paremus as a lead architect on the Newton, Sigil and Infiniflow product suites. Infiniflow is an OSGi based distributed runtime with self healing, scaling and monitoring capabilities. Newton is an open source framework upon which Infiniflow is based. Sigil is a set of development tools based on Eclipse and Ivy for developing and building OSGi applications. Davids blog can be found at
If you have any questions please contact the organisers via email.
Thanks to Merrill Lynch for providing a room for holding the meeting. If you are interested in sponsoring thisevent (e.g.drinks after the meeting) or any future onesplease contactthe organisersvia email.
Organized by Mike Francis & Chris Brind
Ticket Info: Members only (free membership), Free
Official Website: http://oufukmeet1-upcoming.eventbrite.com