116-120 Goswell Road
London, England EC1V 7DP

OSGi is great at enabling you to build your systems out of sets of bundles. In a way, your bundles are your configuration. However, this also requires you to master the identification, assembly and provisioning of all of the components that make-up your system.

Well, you've come to the right place. In this workshop we will focus on ways to manage OSGi installations. Using a simple example application, we will show you how you can:

Attendees will take part in hands-on exercises which address all of these issues using existing technologies. By the end of the workshop, you will have created your own working tool-set for bundle management, from a simple hot-deploy right up to remote provisioning and discovery.
Requirements: Participants should bring a WiFi-enabled laptop with the Eclipse development environment pre-installed.

Beer and pizza will also be provided courtesy of Luminis!

With a basic understanding of the OSGi specifications and some hands-on experience working with bundles and services, there is nothing to stop you becoming a Certified Bundle Manager TODAY!
For free registration go here: http://skillsmatter.com/event/os-mobile-server/osgi-workshop-become-a-certified-bundle-manager-today/rl-311

Added by skills.matter on May 12, 2010


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