Course plan
ORSC Fundamentals: 28-Feb-09 - 01-Mar-09
Relationship Intelligence: 27-Mar-09 - 29-Mar-09
System Geography: 24-Apr-09 - 26-Apr-09
Relationship Path: 22-May-09 - 24-May-09
System Coaching Integration: 04-Sep-09 - 06-Sep-09
The Fundamentals course is 2 days. Day 1 starts at 9:30 and ends at 17:30. Day 2 starts at 9:00 and ends at 17:00.
The four advanced courses last for 3 days. Day 1 and 2 starts at 9:30 and ends at 17:30. Day 3 starts at 9:00 and ends at 17:00.
Completed 40 hours of coach training through an ICF - accredited coach training program or be a PCC or MCC.
Allied/Related Professions
Organization Development Specialists/Consultants
Mental Health Professionals(therapists, family counselors)
Consultants experienced in addressing the relationship dynamics of groups/families/teams
Must be able to demonstrate that they have worked with teams, groups, partnerships or dyads for at least two years and or is currrently engaged in doing so. The book on Co-Active Coaching is recommended reading.
About the program
ORSC (Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching) Fundamentals: This course must be taken first as a prerequisite to the other four advanced Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching courses.
Complete Series (5 courses): This Program consists of all five courses: Organization and Relationship Systems Coaching Fundamentals; Relationship Intelligence: Process and Flow; System Geography: Roles and Structures; Relationship Path: Vision and Potentiality; and Systems Coaching Integration: Moving Toward Mastery
Advanced Courses (4 courses): Relationship Intelligence: Process and Flow; System Geography: Roles and Structures ; Relationship Path: Vision and Potentiality ; and Systems Coaching Integration: Moving Toward Mastery (does not include the Fundamentals Course).
After having done one specific course, you may volunteer as assistant for the same course on a later date and/or another location. If you are interested in assisting courses, please contact
crrnordic@ahafactory.no or call 98216666.
All course enrollments are subject to availability. Your enrollment in a course is secured when payment is received, unless the course is filled up in the meantime. If you choose to pay by invoice, you will receive it as an attachment to an email.
Please wait for confirmation of your enrollment before making travel plans.
Organized by CRR Nordic Alliance
CRR Nordic Alliance is hosted by Oslo-based Aha! Factory AS. We arrange ORSC-training in the Nordic countries, currently in Oslo, Stockholm and Copenhagen. We're looking for great partners in Helsinki.
In the spring of 2007, two prominent leaders from CTI (Coaches Training Institute) started Center for Right Relationship. Marita Fridjhon and Faith Fullers high dream was to create global awareness about the importance of conscious, intentional relationship.
Marita and Faith had developed ORSC, a coaching methodology that enhances the coaching experience both for coaches and clients. Unlike traditional coaching, ORSC focuses more on the relationship between individuals than on the individuals themselves. For ORSCers the relationship is the client and their mission is first and all to reveal the system to itself.
Relationship coaches use their new skills in a variety of settings, ranging from working with individual clients relationships, to coaching pairs, teams, boards, organizations and large groups.
The five modules in the program constitute a complete training for coaches, facilitators, organization developers, therapists and others who work with the dynamics of relationship systems.
The program is currently accredited for 84 CCEUs by the International Coach Federation. It is also currently awaiting certification for Approved Coach Specific Training Hours, which can be applied toward ACC, PCC and MCC status.
Ticket Info: - O2CMPL ORSC Complete Series, kr 47,565.00
- O2ADV ORSC Advanced Courses, kr 42,565.00
- O2R Relationship Intelligence a la carte, kr 11,565.00
- O2G System Geography a la carte, kr 11,565.00
- O2P Relationship Path a la carte, kr 11,565.00
- O2S System Integration a la carte, kr 11,565.00
Official Website: http://o2complete-upcoming.eventbrite.com