4690 Hoffner Ave
Orlando, Florida 32812

We have the Best Summer Camp for Your Kids!!!

For the Kids
* Lunch/Snack Included
* Meet New Friends
* Sports Games
* Taekwondo
* Jr. Boxing
* Dance
* Cheerleading
* Field Trips
* Friday Pizza PartiePay in full for thes

For the Parents
* Knowing Your Kids are in a Safe Environment
* Healthy Lunch/Snack
* Physical Fitness / Fun
* Field Trips
* No Dinner Making on Friday's!!! ( Friday Pizza Parties )
* Free Cardio Kickboxing Classes
* Sign up/Pay in Full ***Free $50 Gas Card***

Call Today Spots Are Limited 407-240-1444

Official Website: http://tysonsports.tripod.com

Added by orlandokids on June 1, 2008

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