170 South Market Street
San Jose, California 95113

Location-aware technologies combined with mapping and other data are poised to create a whole new class of web apps and services. Maps are becoming an interface, helping us to visualize and access a variety of data. Location is fertile ground for hackers and researchers who mash up Google Maps with Craigslist or plug restaurant info into dashboard navigation. Call centers, insurance agencies, transportation companies, and retailers are finding unconventional internal uses for location technologies too.

But where is location-based technology leading us in the larger sense? And where's the business model beef? The Where 2.0 Conference brings together the people, projects, and issues leading the charge into this technological frontier. Join us to debate and discuss what's viable now, and what's lurking just below the radar. Don't miss our online coverage.

Official Website: http://conferences.oreillynet.com/where2006/

Added by raines on February 11, 2006



This event seems to be in the system twice. See also http://upcoming.org/event/56804/


Thanks Bill, merged.