One Market Place
San Diego, California

Alpha geeks--hackers and other lead users--are a great early warning system for anyone who's watching the future of technology. What alpha geeks do today can radically alter the future of technology for everyone else tomorrow.

The O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference frames the ideas, projects, and technologies that the alpha geeks are thinking about, hacking on, and inventing right now into a coherent picture from which to extrapolate and upon which to start building. Expect much of what you see in early form here to show up in the products and services you're taking for granted in the not-too-distant future.

O'Reilly Media invites technologists and strategists, CTOs and chief scientists, researchers, programmers, hackers, and standards workers, business developers and entrepreneurs to lead conference session and tutorials at the O'Reilly Emerging Technology Conference 2006.

Even if you're not one for speaking or leading a tutorial, use this opportunity to suggest speakers, topics, or technologies you think we should explore or wish you knew more about. Who's the person you've always wanted to see speak? Who is doing groundbreaking work that we should feature? Drop us a line at and tell us what would make this year's ETech a must-attend.

Added by harrisj on August 22, 2005



Yep, I'll be there.


pile-up in SD!


I live here. Hard to miss. Stop by and say hello.


Hoping to go to this.


Well if the company springs for my fees and such ajax would be cool...


any hotel recommendations by the confr center?


will there be a costume party? or any sort of theme party I should prepare for?


Will there be any podcasts?


IT Conversations always has coverage after the event. Ewan Spence and Nicole Simon are podacsting from the halls at The Tech Conference Show, and I hope to record a couple of podcasts summing up my experience at The Gadget Show.

Interested 214