Oregon Bike Summit in 2008, and hope you will join us April 4-5, 2008 at the Red Lion Hotel on the River in Portland!
Official Website: http://www.oregontourismconference.com/index.php/oregon-bicycle-summit
Added by multimodal on January 15, 2008
2008 Oregon Bike Summit
The goal: OREGON: #1 bicycle destination in the USA!
Join Oregon's entire cycling community as we work to make Oregon the nation's premier cycling state. You'll have the chance to connect with industry peers, learn from inspiring case studies, and engage with public policy issues over a broad spectrum of cycling-related topics including: TRANSPORTATION, RECREATION, TOURISM, INDUSTRY, EVENTS
Keynote speakers include Congressman Earl Blumenauer; Tim Blumenthal, president of Bikes Belong; and Hill Abel, board president of the International Mountain Bicycling Association (IMBA). We'll have a number of breakout sessions geared at specific topics ranging from event planning and creating successful partnerships to sustainable tourism, bike-friendly communities and how to affect policy at the local, state and national level.
Dates: Friday and Saturday, April 4-5, 2008
Site: Red Lion Hotel on the River - Jantzen Beach
Lodging Rates: $99 plus tax per night (ask for the Oregon Bike Summit room block)
Conference Fee: $100 includes Friday dinner and Saturday breakfast, lunch and reception
Exhibitors: Opportunities are available at the Summit for $150. Exhibit fee includes event registration and a skirted table
Event Questions: Please call Tara Corbin at Cycle Oregon - 503.287.0405 ext. 100
If you aren't on our mailing list, please email Industry@TravelOregon.com and put "Add to Bike Summit mailing list" in the subject line.