This highly intuitive and flowing group improvises all of its music, although you’d never know it. Their playing carries all of the intricacy of composed work. Themes, development, blues, melody, stopping on a dime, throwing down the gauntlet.They bring it all. The trio rides again!
COAT COOKE is one of Canada’s most lyrical and inventive saxophonists and composers. He is the founder and leader of the renowned NOW Orchestra, and has toured Canada, the USA and Europe performing in major festivals in Berlin, Lisbon and Chicago. His collaborations include work with George Lewis, Wadada Leo Smith, Roscoe Mitchell, Butch Morris, and Marilyn Crispell.
Bassist CLYDE REED has enjoyed long-term musical collaborations with internationally known artists including Rob Blakeslee, Vinny Golia, Rich Halley, George Lewis, Paul Plimley, and Claude Ranger. His playing has been featured on a number of critically acclaimed recordings, the most recent being Blue Rims—The Rich Halley Trio with Bobby Bradford.
KENTON LOEWEN has played drums for most of his life, and has made a place for himself in the Vancouver music scene as well as in international touring circuits. Kenton has played in bands spanning many musical genres like the recently ascending band Mother Mother, the well known Vancouver based punk band, Submission Hold, and the US with folk band Po' Girl. He remains an active participant in the local jazz scene playing with people such as world renowned clarinet player and composer Francois Houle, guitarist Ron Samworth and experimental/electronic composer Peter Hannan.
Official Website:
Added by noworchestra on September 6, 2007