Lincoln Way and Ninth Ave
San Francisco, California 94122

Who:San Francisco Orchid Society
Where:Hall of Flowers, in the County Fair Building Golden Gate Park, entrance at 9th Avenue and Lincoln Way
When:Saturday, October 1 and Sunday, October 2, 2005
Time: 10 am to 5 pm
Admission:$3 (All proceeds benefit the San Francisco Orchid Society?s scholarship program partnership with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo.)
Children 12 and under are free when accompanied by an adult.
Onsite contact: Tom Perlite 415 990 1314.
Info: SFOS Hotline, 415-665-2468 or visit

The San Francisco Orchid Society (SFOS) is pleased to provide the opportunity to witness exotic wonders of the world this fall, without leaving the Bay Area. On October 1 and 2, the SFOS will host its 4th annual OrchidFest, taking place at the Hall of Flowers, in Golden Gate Park. OrchidFest is the equivalent of a living museum, featuring masterpiece orchids, grown with care by the 27 participating orchid growers and nurseries. OrchidFest enables the public to explore and enjoy the natural, mysterious world of orchids.

At this everblooming community event, the SFOS continues its support of future orchid growers by providing all of the admission receipts to its ongoing scholarship program with Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. The $7,500 scholarship enables one future horticulturist the opportunity to help manage the Orchid Production Greenhouse at the Ornamental Horticulture Unit, and establish and maintain an Orchid display area at the Retail Sales House at Cal Poly. All proceeds from OrchidFest will be earmarked for the scholarship.

So leave your passport at home and come enjoy natural treasures, grown in the many corners of the world, with the San Francisco Orchid Society at OrchidFest, 2005.

Added by The Larose Group on June 29, 2005