2600 Live Oak
Dallas, Texas 75204

Come join us to enjoy this marvelous choral group!

OPUS CUATRO has become one of the most important vocal groups in Argentina and has received recognition in several countries of South America, North America, Europe, and Asia.

Since its creation in 1968, its repertoire has tended to concentrate on the performance of popular music and music rooted in the folk traditions of Argentina and Latin America, on spirituals, jazz, and musicals.

When? Thursday, May 17, 2007
Where? Latino Cultural Center
2600 Live Oak Street, Dallas, TX 75204

Tickets online @ www.opuscuatro.eventbrite.com

- Early birds: $15
- At the door: $20

For more information: 214.495.7838, 214.922.0028 or eventos@CentroArgentinoDFW.org

Organized by Centro Argentino DFW


Event submitted by Eventful.com on behalf of centroargdfw.

Official Website: http://www.opuscuatro.eventbrite.com

Added by centroargdfw on April 14, 2007

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