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Optimum Decision Maker
A Workshop In Mastering Your
Emotional State,
Turn Stress Into Centred Determination
And Go for the Optimum Decision
in Stressful Situations
In Just 4 hours.
How many times have you wished you had made a better decision when
under stress? What happened when you had to decide? Stress became a huge factor
and it affected the way you thought at the time, and influenced you in a
direction that you later regretted.
Would you like to learn and rehearse a powerful inner decision process,
which will change forever how you react in trying times, change panic into
determination, and increase the accuracy of your decision making, in only 3
If it sounds like something you could benefit
from, read further.
We call strategy the sequencing
patterns that our mind goes through before we take a decision. What most people
are not aware of is that these
strategies can be changed!
Strategies result in behaviours that are usually state dependant, which means that they
change according to which emotional state we are in at the time when we run the
So it goes something like this:
State ==>Strategy ==>Behaviour
For example: someone who usually likes to review all different
possibilities before agreeing to something may lose all powers of
discrimination when involved in an accident and is in a state of panic.
Which also means that if we can control our state, we get a much
greater ability to control our decisions.
How can we control our
emotional state?
There are many ways to do that, but one is deceptively simple: how we hold our body. Have you tried to
feel sad while standing up straight, looking up, taking a deep breath in and
putting a smile on your face? Real hard! If you know about it, this is the basis
of the astounding effectiveness of Laughing Yoga (simply put, you feel good
when you laugh out loud).
Now, the thing that not many people know here, is that ultimately, what we take in through our 5 senses most influences our physiology.
So it goes something like this:
senses ==>Physiology ==>Emotional
So what we take in through our 5 senses have a phenomenal influence
on our behaviours/decisions. The secret recipe to success is what to take in, and
this is the first thing we will review during the workshop.
What happens during the workshop?
This is a HIGHLY experiential
workshop, which means that you will learn through experience rather than mere intellectual
understanding. We could sit down with you, and explain in 20 minutes how to
control our state. But we dont do that.
For ONE very simple reason: on average, we only remember 20% of what we read or
(thats what you do when you attend a seminar where speakers explain stuff
and you take notes), but 60% of what we
do. The percentage goes up to a whooping 90% if we see, hear, feel and do at the same time.
Plus, all real learning only
happens at the unconscious, experiential level.
Do you know someone who smokes, knows (intellectually) it is bad for
them, but somehow cannot seem to stop? (Maybe you can think about something you
know is bad for you but still do anyway, I certainly can!). Intellectual
knowledge does not change habits. Experiential knowledge does.
So everything during the workshop is experienced, installed at the unconscious
level, so that when you leave, it will always be there for you when you need
What will you learn?
1.Unveil the sequencing patterns of your mind when under stress, and CHANGE
2.Learn to
automatically change the strategy leading to stress into a strategy leading to
3.Rehearse the optimal centeredness strategy so that youll be able to
do it anywhere, anytime
4.Discover how to
switch perspectives, balancing rationality with intuition, and therefore take
more effective decisions
5.Build up an unshakable internal resolve and unwavering tenacity
6.Contact your
internal mental hub from where the most appropriate decisions originate and
chose the most suited pathways
7.Explore your own inner system folder which holds your personal set
of beliefs (what you hold true), and grab the opportunity to change the ones
which do not serve you
8.Change your stress
trigger so that, in the future, you automatically remain calm and centred in
tense situations
9.Learn how to chose what to take in though our 5 senses to adjust
your state
10.And more
We hold a limited number of spots for this workshop,
and they usually fill up
pretty quickly.
Scroll down for details.
But dont just trust me! Because you have to know that, I admit, the
experience we propose during this workshop is at the core of everything we do, and
everything we stand for at The masterminds, so I am not objective about this.
Read what others have to say about the experience
"The realization that I had
everything I need inside has deeply influenced my whole decision making process."
"My job is incredibly
stressful and used to take a lot out of me, but I feel so much more in control
now. And someone even commented that I look different!" Angela
"I now feel so much more
centered its unreal." Karen
When: Saturday May 9th
Time: 2-6pm
Where: TBA, a location on Hong Kong Island
Price: HK$990 p/person.
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Organized by The Masterminds Group"We can't solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them." Albert Einstein
Ticket Info: Individual Ticket, HK$990.00
Official Website: http://optimumdecisionmakermar09-upcoming.eventbrite.com