Do you want to reach your fitness goals and never look back? If so, this session is for you!
Join us for a free seminar
Learn simple steps to reduce excess body fat storage
Find out which exercises are best to turn your body into a fat burning machine
Learn about practical eating strategies to keep your fat loss potential at its peak
Learn about the number one strategy that separates the successful fitness individuals from the unsuccessful fitness individuals
Gain a simplified approach to how the body works as it relates to weight loss/fitness
Let this be the last year for setting the same New Year's fitness resolution
Meet crucial fitness resourcesin Columbus
Imagine ... what would happen if you finally knew the real answers that fitness professionals use to get their clients results?
Find out on April 2!
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Organized by Your Live TrainersYour Live Trainersprovides live, interactive online fitness services. Visit them today for more information.
Ticket Info: Optimizing Your Most Personal Asset ... YOU!, Free
Official Website: http://yourlivetrainers-upcoming.eventbrite.com