What if you knew that you could make a difference in a girl’s life? (Or in your own?) Ophelia's Oracle: Discovering the Happy, Healthy, Self-Aware and Confident Girl in the Mirror provides a fictional story that girls love and confidence-building activities that adults appreciate. With a full-color design that includes art, poetry, interviews, and musings by the girls themselves, as well as inspirational art by Colorado artists, Sue Lion and Rachelle Donahoe, Ophelia’s Oracle has been recognized with 15 national and international awards for excellence, including the Mom’s Choice Gold. The book is being used in schools, in mom and daughter groups, and in book clubs to foster discussion of teen issues. The multicultural heroine, Ophelia, hears ancient feminine wisdom stories from supportive women just like you . . . . fathers and other male mentors love it, too! The authors will share about the book, and personalize copies for yourself or that very special gift. Ophelia's Oracle provides a confidence-building base for girls and women; a heart-felt sharing which transcends space and time. Internationally-published author, Donna DeNomme, will also have copies of her first book, Turtle Wisdom, Coming Home to Yourself available for signing.
Official Website: http://www.isisbooks.com
Added by Isis Books and Gifts on November 22, 2010