Operational Excellence Round-Table!
Presented by XONITEK Corporation
and the University of Tennessee Knoxville
March 23, 2009 in Nashville, Tennessee
Radisson Hotel at Opryland
Register Today!
Bridging private-industry and academia, XONITEK and the University of Tennessee at Knoxville are pleased to host an Operational Excellence Round-Table discussion in Nashville, Tennessee.
Theround-table will addressleveraging Operational Excellence (Lean, Six-Sigma and Leadership)in driving shareholder value thoughbusiness optimizations (transformational change), efficiencies (execution), and the pursuit of perfection (continuous improvement). The afternoon session isopen to the public, but space is limited so register today.
Afternoon Session: 1:00PM - 3:00PM
Who Should Attend
Industry Leadership - Private Equity and Finance - Consultancy Firms - Industrial and Systems Engineers -Supply-Chain and Logistics Professionals - Quality Engineers and Continuous Improvement Professionals - Academia - Turnaround Specialists
Understanding the value-proposition
Ascertainhow to create a culture for change
Learn of the latest techniques and technologies
Discover why initiatives fail and how to succeed
Realizehow to manage the deployment
The effects of OpEx on EBITDA and Free Cash-Flow from Operations
Leveraging OpEx in business turnarounds
Learnhow to prevent tripping loan covenants
"Operational Excellence"... How good can you be?
Cost to produce down 20-50%
Rework and Scrap down 25-90%
Lead-time decreased by 50-90%
Overall cycle-time decreased by 60%+
Inventory and WIP reduced 50%+
Floor space reduced by 30%-70%
Purchasing costs reduced by 5-10%EVERY year
On-time performance TO PROMISE 99%+
On-time performance TO REQUEST 90%+
Customer satisfaction delivered across the board
Additional dimension of "knowledge" to traditional business transactions
Changes in corporate/customer perspectives from a logistical (reactive) to a strategic (pro-active) orientation
Increase velocity and quality throughout the process
Involve the entirety of the value-chain
Reduce direct, indirect, and g&a costs
Enables management from a "holistic" view of the enterprise whilst facilitating access to details
Eliminate from the process anything that does not add value to the end product in the eyes of the customer
"Wisdom... The Sum of All Applied Knowledge"
Contact Trinity DeMars at
DeMarsTK@xonitek.com for additional information
Thediscussions will addressleveraging Operational Excellence (Lean, Six-Sigma and Leadership)in driving stakeholder value thoughbusiness optimizations (transformational organization change), efficiencies (execution and realization), and the pursuit of perfection (continuous improvement).
Ticket Info: Single Attendee, $25.00
Official Website: http://opexroundtableregistration-upcoming.eventbrite.com