Looking for a job? Then plan to attend the OPERATIION WORKFORCE JOB FAIR!
Through a partnership with the Waynesville-St. Robert, Rolla, and Lebanon Chambers of Commerce, we present the 5th Annual OPERATION WORKFORCE Job Fair. OPERATION WORKFORCE is a workforce recruitment program promoting the connection between employees seeking part-time/full-time positions with employers providing those employment opportunities.
Employment opportunities from the Waynesville-St.Robert, Rolla, and Lebanon areas.
Thursday, August 13, 2009 10am - 2pm St. Robert Community Center.
Interviewing booths available for on-site employee/employer interviews.
For more information contact: Waynesville-St. Robert Chamber of Commerce, 137 St. Robert Blvd., Ste. B, St. Robert. Telephone 573-336-5121 or email chamber@wsrchamber.com; or visit www.waynesvill-strobertchamber.com
Official Website: http://www.waynesville-strobertchamber.com
Added by mlspark on July 10, 2009