1175 Bordeaux
Sunnyvale, California 94089

Consultants want to be successful. In many cases, a professional image is a prerequisite for success. Unfortunately, many consultants struggle, without knowledge of how to be a professional and how to project a professional image. This is an especially important issue for smaller consulting firms and individual consultants, and can be a distinguishing characteristic. This seminar will be given by Christine Silver and Duane Strong who will provide guidelines for Best Practices for Professional Consultants.

Who should attend:
Individual consultants
Consultants serving as sub-contractors
Consultants hiring other consultants
Professionals new to consulting
Thinking of becoming a consultant

What you will learn:
The top ten traits of a professional and assess where you need improvement
How to communicate like a professional
How to attract clients by projecting a professional image
How to keep clients by being professional on the job
Tips to help you run your business more professionally

This event is available as an in-person seminar as well as a live webcast. The webcast (via GoToWebinar) is compatible with most popular browsers on Microsoft Windows and MacOSX.

NO walk-ins will be admitted for this event, since the local seminar is expected to sell out. If your attendance is uncertain, you can still signup late for the live webcast until 6:30 PM on Friday, March 15th.
Register Now at: http://ieeecnsvcpp0316.eventbee.com/t/fullcal

For further details or questions about this event, please visit the Registration page or email: cnsvadmin@ieee-cnsv-seminars.org

This event is co-sponsored by the IEEE Santa Clara Valley Section, and the Consultants' Network of Silicon Valley (CNSV).

Official Website: http://ieee-cnsv-seminars.org

Added by FullCalendar on March 5, 2012

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