The most magical installment of Richard Wagner's Ring cycle, this opera features the young hero Siegfried slaying a dragon with a supernatural sword, claiming the ring and discovering love with the valiant warrior maiden, Brunnhilde. This LA Opera Talk presents background information on the composer and the work itself in this FREE audio-visual presentation — something to really sing about!
LA Opera’s Diane Beltoya will lead the program and encourage questions and comments. A free gift will be raffled. Whether you’re a hardcore opera aficionado or a curious novice, you’ll be delightfully entertained and inspired to make a trip to the Los Angeles Music Center for the full production. And there’s more coming! November 15: Rossini’s Barber of Seville
Make Crowell Library your LA Opera gateway! 1890 Huntington Drive, San Marino, CA 91108-2595 ● Phone: (626) 300-0777
Added by Crowell Library on August 12, 2009