Time: 2008/4/18-2008/4/20
Venue: PKU Centennial Memorial Hall
Price: 20/30/40/60/80/100/120/150
MSN: ponypiaoen@hotmail.com
Tel: 86-10-64177845
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Author: William Shakespeare
Performed by British TNT Theatre
in English Language with Chinese subtle
Hamlet is the greatstrategy by William Shakespeare which needs no introduction.
About TNT Theatre
“One of the most interesting developments on the British theatrical scene.”
TNTtheatre was founded in 1980 in Britain and since has established itselfas one of the most popular international touring theatre companies inthe world. Last season alone the company produced seven productions inalmost thirty countries worldwide, ranging from Shakespeare classicssuch as ROMEO & JULIET to their own new play HITLER KILLED MYCANARY, from works by contemporary artists such as Paul Auster’s MOONPALACE to the classic seasonal show: Dickens’ CHRISTMAS CAROL. Since1993 the company has been in collaboration with the American DramaGroup Europe. The artistic director of TNT is Paul Stebbings, whosework has won many awards at, for example, the Munich Biennale, theEdinburgh Festival, the Tehran Festival and from the government ofSingapore. Other notable festivals in which the company hasparticipated are the International Off-Broadway Festival in New York,the Tokyo International Theatre festival and the summer festival of theBritish National Theatre. TNT has also collaborated on co-productionswith major venues such as the Athens Concert Hall and the St PetersburgState Comedy Theatre.
The company style aims to integrate all theperforming arts. TNT productions always include a speciallycommissioned score by a leading composer. The director always workswith a choreographer and the ensemble actors are chosen for theirability to cross the disciplines of theatre, music and dance.
Official Website: http://www.piao.com.cn/en%5Fpiao/ticket_1606.html
Added by One Night in Beijing on January 30, 2008