OpenStreetMap is an editable map, which is being built largely from scratch using GPS traces, and released with an open content license. It is very much a community mapping effort. Although we welcome contributions from anywhere on the globe, we also like to get together and do group "mapping parties"
In day 1 of the "ShoHo Mapping Party" we will be meeting in the morning to plan (10a.m. meet-up in the Transport 2000 office), then splitting up as we survey the streets around the area of Hoxton East London, to fill this crucial gap in the openstreetmap coverage. At 5pm we will meet back and enter our map data, before heading out to a pub / restaurant for more socialising etc.
If you are new to OpenStreetMap and/or you don't have a GPS unit, this doesn't matter! You are most welcome to come along, and we will explain how you can help to build a free map of East London!
Official Website:
Added by Harry Wood on August 23, 2007
Harry Wood
I'm trying to decide if I should borrow my sister's bike, or maybe try roller-blades, to do faster mapping over the weekend. Previously I've done all my mapping on foot (slow) I tried taking photos of street signs out of a bus window, a few times (doesn't work too well)