Lawrence Expressway/Caribbean Drive exit
Sunnyvale, California

This event isn't just for "OpenSolaris people"...all geeks are welcome to come!

The OpenSolaris 2nd birthday is this week, and we are having a picnic to celebrate! Bring your family, dogs, whathaveyou, and join us at Baylands Park in the Amphitheater.

Open Source projects are just like a picnic... 10,000 people can show up but if no one brings anything to the party it'll be a pretty boring one. It's all about contribution, it's all about adding your personal and distinct gifts and talents together with other people's personal and distinct gifts and talents to create something fun, exciting, and in this case tasty.

So I hope you'll join us for a good time on June 16th at Baylands Park in Sunnyvale. Please see development lead Tamarah Rockwood's blog for details and how to get involved.

Baylands Park webpage:

Official Website:

Added by tamr on June 8, 2007

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