1815 Massachusetts Ave.
Cambridge, Massachusetts

Opening Reception for “Voices for Peace: The Legacy of Hiroshima & Nagasaki,” Including a presentation by an Atomic Bomb Survivor

Free admission. RSVP for the reception to the Cambridge Peace Commission: bcorr@cambridgema.gov or call 617-349-4694.

Until Friday, July 18, 2008


Hiroshima Photo Exhibition “Voices for Peace: The Legacy of Hiroshima & Nagasaki”--A World Free from Nuclear Weapons is Possible. Abolition is Necessary. Please Look and See Why.

As part of an international campaign for the abolition of nuclear weapons, The Peaceable Schools Summer Institute at Lesley University and the City of Cambridge Peace Commission, with the support of the SGI-USA is sponsoring this exhibition of photographs from Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Knowing too well the devastating consequences of nuclear weapons, the people of Hiroshima have launched an appeal to the people of the United States to become active participants in the cause to abolish nuclear weapons.

To this end, the Hiroshima Peace Culture Foundation, in cooperation with the City of Hiroshima, has made available this Documentary Photo Exhibition of Hiroshima to cities throughout the United States. The sponsors of this exhibit hope that this project will bring greater awareness among the American people about the rising nuclear peril, leading them to demand that their leaders finally and permanently abandon the “nuclear option.”

The Second Floor Atrium, University Hall at Lesley University, at 1815 Massachusetts Ave. (Porter Exchange)

Added by openmediaboston on June 27, 2008

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