The second quarterly Living Labs Global Matchmaking Summit highlighting the Mediterranean market and growth opportunities will provide the international platform to integrate supply and demand for mobile services in the fields of:
Health Service Innovation: Mobile Health Services, ICT-enabled Health Solutions, Media Services in Healthcare, Health Economics, New Business Models in Health.
Service Innovation and Design in Cities: Mobile Marketing, Mobile Tourism, Mobile Students, New Urban Media Concepts, Business Models.
ICT-enabled Urban Services: Mobility, Transport, Parking, Car & Taxi Sharing, Commuting Solutions, Mobile Ticketing, Mobile Governance, Logistics, Sustainability Solutions, and Satellite Navigation and Downstream Applications.
Across the panels and themes the issues of Talent Development, Entrepreneurship, Innovation Financing and Pre-Commercial Procurement will be addressed.
Zurich city will host ORBIT, the largest ICT trade show in Switzerland, from 12-15 May 2009. Living Labs Global and ORBIT offer to the attendees of ORBIT the opportunity to gain access to international networking, partnering, as well as access to the most innovative mobile application opportunities by attending the Summit. Also their offer to the Living Labs Global attendees the opportunity to attend the tradeshow during the whole week free of charge and facilitating any potential business opportunity with companies that have a booth.
The summits plenary session will provide a compact overview of Living Labs Global and highlight the Mediterranean market and its growth opportunities.
During the plenary session the mWatch: Showcase elevator pitch will take place where participants will have the opportunity to present their innovations and to win the Living Labs Global Award as well as investor and partner attention.
An exhibition area will be mounted in the summit, offering you the opportunity to showcase your products, services, and solutions. Upon registration you can choose to take part in this exposition, from which the participants in the Summit will vote for the most innovative solution. An award will be presented to the winners in the form of a one-year Associate Membership in Living Labs Global.
The matchmaking will be a well-structured process over lunch and coffee. To understand your offerings, needs, and interests, we will follow a structured procedure upon registration and build your personal event experience.
08:30 - 09:25
Registration & Coffee
09:25 - 09:30
Welcome & Introduction
09.30 - 09.50
Living Labs Global - Towards Global Market for Mobility Sascha Haselmayer, Managing Director, Living Labs Global
09.50 - 10.10
Barcelona and the Mediterranean Growth Region Mario Rubert, Manager of International Economic Relations, International Economic Promotion Barcelona
10.10 - 10.30
22@Barcelona: Innovation District Jordi Sacristan, Marketing & Communication Director, 22@Barcelona
10.30 - 11.00
Showcase Elevator Pitch
11:00 - 11.30
Networking Coffee
11:00 - 11.30
Outlook on sector market opportunities in the Mediterranean Parallel expert panel discussion
PANEL I: ICT-enabled Urban Services
Moderator: Sascha Haselmayer, Living Labs Global
Panel members:
Calres Fradera, Barcelona Digital
Kalju Ruutli, NOW! Innovations (TBC)
Paul Jeremaes, Hewlett-Packard Invent Centers
Victor-Emmanuel de SA, Geneva Soltuion
Panel II: Health Service Innovation
Moderator: Dr Jakob Rasmussen, Living Labs Global
Panel members:
Adesina Iluyemi, SINSEPROD LLP
Joerg Foecke, Asklepios Future Hospital
Laura Sampietro-Colom, Fundacio Hospital Clinic (TBC)
Nick Leon, Design London
Patrice Cristofini, Orange Healthcare Global Division
Panel III: Service Innovation and Design in Cities
Moderator: Jens Bley, Living Labs Germany
Panel members:
Eric Marbeau, Gallimard
Juliette Leygues, Latittude Gallimard
Sonia Monclus, BCN Design
Tom Kenney, Vervewireless (TBC)
12:30 - 14:20
Lunch & Matchmaking
14:20 14:30
Closing note
Bus leaving to ORBIT, ICT Trade Show
Sascha Haselmayer, Managing Director, Living Labs Global
Mr. Haselmayer is an expert in the field of knowledge and innovation intensive urbanism in international environments. Trained as an Architect at the Architectural Association in London, Haselmayer has worked on a wide range of design & strategy intensive urban and socio-economic development projects across Europe, Asia, Latin America and Africa for non-governmental, public and private organisations.
Jordi Sacristan, Marketing and Communication Director, 22@Barcelona
Jordi Sacristn is the Marketing and Communication Director at 22@Barcelona since 2005, where he is responsible of the marketing strategy of the company, the corporate image, the relationship with the media and different stakeholders, the economic promotion (national and international) of the project in order to attract investment to the city, and the social communication to the inhabitants of the new Poblenou quarter
Mario Rubert, Manager of International Economic Relations, International Economic Promotion Barcelona
Mr. Rubert has been working at the Barcelona local government since 1994, when he entered as Deputy Director for Economic Promotion. Three years later he became responsible for the citys international marketing and economic promotion strategies. He is in charge of designing and coordinating the actions to attract foreign investment, managing the brand Barcelona and promoting the business opportunities of the city.
Panel I ICT-enabled Urban Services:
What are the global markets for innovative mobile solutions?
Launch of the KIS4SATSatellite Navigation Downstream Applications Market Report?
How can mobile services and concepts be combined to achieve a break-through in the value proposition to users?
What are the emerging business models that will meet the mobility challenge?
How can we provide scalability to high-value added mobility solutions that often have a strong local component?
What experiences have been made in placing the user at the centre of new urban service concepts and solutions?
Panel II: Health Service Innovation:
What is the future of healthcare services, if enabled by new technologies and business models?
What is the regional growth market potential for health services, medical devices and other medical service technologies and products?
How do we address the increasing demand by patients for customised healthcare experiences and more participation in designing treatments?
How can entry into the Mediterranean Market, and other global growth regions such as Asia, be structured and managed in healthcare?
Panel III: Service Innovation and Design in Cities:
What is the role, market opportunity and impact of service, technology, experience and traditional design in cities?
What role does design play in service innovation, mobility and the new solutions offered to customers?
What role can design play in the future tourism and digital media concepts and challenges for cities?
How can design meet the mobility challenge, i.e. the mass-customisation of services around end-user needs?
What are the international growth potentials for design, in regions such as the Mediterranean, and what support structures are needed?
What are the new processes used to design service experiences, involving the end-user and new business models?
If you have queries about the event please contact Pili Colom at
Booking details: To facilitate a working atmosphere we will only have 100 participants, and spaces will be filled on a first-come first-served basis.
Living Labs Global
Living Labs Global aims at building a Global Market for Mobility, by conducting mWatch Surveys to identify market opportunities, benchmark innovation capabilities and identify leading international projects and companies in mobility through the mWatch Showcase. Further, Living Labs Global Summits will connect business partners, customers, visionary leaders and regional markets to the Living Labs Global community in a unique matchmaking effort. Finally, Highlight Projects are launched by strategic members to build internationally pioneering initiatives to prove the viability of new service concepts, business models and technologies in mobility. In short, Living Labs Global is connecting internationally leading cities, institutions, companies and leaders to build a lead market for mobility.
22@Barcelona Innovation District
22@Barcelona project transforms two hundred hectares of industrial land of Poblenou into an innovative district offering modern spaces for the strategic concentration of intensive knowledge-based activities. This initiative is also a project of urban refurbishment and a new model of city providing a response to the challenges posed by the knowledge-based society.
Barcelona City Council - International Economic Promotion
The Economic Promotion Department of Barcelona City Council works to Achieve the following objectives: to promote Barcelona as an attractive area for business, communicating its advantages and opportunities, to attract economic activity and increase foreign investments in the area of Barcelona and to help international companies located in Barcelona to expand their activities in our area.
Ticket Info: There is no cost to take part, Free
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