Following the success of the OpenCoffee networking events we have held in Bradford, bmedi@ are running another event on Thursday 4th December 2008 in SHEFFIELD.
The emphasis of OpenCoffee is very much on the internet and new media industries etc. These free events are informal and see a range of technology entrepreneurs, designers, bloggers, developers, geeks, investors and anyone else who's interested in digital media and technology exchanging ideas and striking up relationships that would otherwise never have flourished.
The philosophy of OpenCoffee is very much of an Open House of ideas and people.
OpenCoffee SHEFFIELD, is being sponsored by bmedi@ and the Showroom Sheffield. The event will take place on Thursday 4th December 2008 at The Showroom Sheffield from 10am to midday. The Showroom is located at Paternoster Row, Sheffield, S1 2BX.
Please note it is only a two minute walk from the train station to the venue and various car-parks are available in the area.
The event is open to anyone who is interested in the region's digital, creative and new media industries. You're welcome to enjoy the coffee, bacon butties, the cakes and the company. We do however need to have an idea of numbers for catering, so please book your place by contacting Steve Ding either by e-mail or ring 01274 747400.
We look forward to networking with you.
Added by Ian Green on November 21, 2008