If you are interested in technology startups or early stage businesses, either being part of the business, a service provider, a deal maker or a potential investor, join us for coffee on the 25th for a morning of conversation and potential deal making.
Unlike www.nwstartup20.co.uk, there are no agenda or speakers. It is free flowing - You set your own agenda. Just buy a coffee, mingle with the crowd. If you have a specific need or require an introduction, just let me know and I will do my best to make it happen.
If you have a product you fancy demonstrating - just bring your laptop, grab few people and dazzle them.
The inaugural event of OpenCoffee Manchester led to the formation of www.edocr.com, "the YouTube for documents with a twist". And there are other success stories. Tell us about your successes.
The event is open to corporates as well as SMEs. Bring a friend - help spread the word. And help drive innovation in the North.
See you on the 25th.
Official Website: http://www.manojranaweera.com
Added by ManojRanaweera on September 5, 2007
Don't forget to register for http://www.nwstartup20.co.uk on the 19th.