OpenCoffee is moving venue this month to DARESBURY INNOVATION CENTRE. This is because we have a great opportunity to involve Jeff Barr - http://www.linkedin.com/in/jeffbarr
OpenCoffee is an informal business networking event, held monthly in the centre of Liverpool.
Come along, discuss business and meet new and existing contacts over a coffee.
There are usually demonstrations of technology and if you have something you wish to demonstrate, let us know, there’s always room.
Added by blything on August 21, 2007
Please spread the word as we now has both the Atrium and the presentation suite available at our disposal. Do you know anyone developing solutions on Amazon platform (other than www.edocr.com)? If so, this is a great opportunity to meet Jeff.
The re-launch of www.footballfancast.com is due next week, a podcasting platform which makes good use of the low-cost Amazon S3 bandwidth charges when streaming large amounts of audio data.
http://www.sanoodi.com is another, which has now taken external funding.
Oh, by the way, make sure you also register for http://www.nwstartup20.co.uk.
Spread the word about both events plus we also have OpenCoffee Manchester next week on the 25th.
http://www.footballfriendsonline.com/ is the new and improved football website
Great job Phil.
Apologies for dropping this suddenly on your heads. But here is a link to Jeff's itinery.