OpenCoffee Club je neformalno okupljanje poduzetnika i investitora iz podrucja Weba i opcenito softvera, ciji je pokretac Saul Klein (potpredsjednik Skypea i partner u Index Ventures), koji cijelu ideju ovako opisuje: "Kljucna stvar su redovno mjesto i redovito vrijeme -- nije vazno tko dodje, ponekad mozda nece biti nikoga -- bitno je da ljudi znaju da ako se zele s nekim sastati, ovo je pravo vrijeme i mjesto".
OpenCoffee Club is an informal gathering of Web and software entrepreneurs and investors, initiated by Saul Klein (of Skype and Index Ventures), who aptly destribed it thus: "The key is a regular place and a regular time -- it's not important who comes along, some days it might be no one -- just that people know if they want to meet, this is the time and this is the place."
Official Website:
Added by BerislavLopac on April 26, 2007