1000 Pope Road
Honolulu, Hawaii 96822

Dual-booting – do I need it or not?
Presentation by: Ron Fox

If you have toyed with the idea of installing and using a Free/Open Source Operating System like Linux or FreeBSD but have not gotten around to it because it seems complex or you do not have or want to maintain another computer, dual-booting may be the answer for you. This presentation will explain when dual-booting might make sense and will demonstrate the steps involved in putting a Free OS (like Linux) on the same computer as an existing non-free OS (like MS Windows) without compromising the existing OS. You may be amazed at how easy it is and find that you enjoy having Freedom be "just a restart away".

Ron is a long-time user and advocate of Open Source software and has been using GNU/Linux since 1994 at home and at work. He is a Senior Software Engineer with Diagnostic Laboratory Services, Inc

Please call Ron Fox at 589-5172 if you have any questions (leave voicemail if he does not answer).


"Open Source Pizza" is the newest in the family of CYBER and ELECTRONIC Pizzas that were originally founded in 1984 to provide an informal monthly forum for engineers, technicians, consultants, and entrepreneurs to discuss their efforts to exploit the latest electronic technologies in areas such as broadcast and cable TV production, electronic imaging, information processing, telecommunications, testing & measurement, etc. Use this opportunity to network with "techies" and other individuals involved in high-tech development in Hawaii.

This event is sponsored by the Hawaii Open Source Education Foundation (HOSEF) - http://www.hosef.org and by the founders of the Cyberpizza and Electronic Pizza events -

Sign up and receive free parking by sending an email with your full name and phone number, before noon on Tuesday, to Courtney Brown (Cyberpizza@gmail.com)

Tuesday, May 20, 2008
Doors open at 5:45pm Program begins at 6:00pm
Marine Science Auditorium, room 114, UH Manoa Campus
$8 per person for pizza & drinks.

For questions, call Scott Belford, 808.689.6518 Founder/Executive Director, The Hawaii Open Source Educational Foundation.

Or see www.cyberpizzahawaii.com

Parking is free if you register by noon on Tuesday by sending an email with your name and phone number to Cyberpizza@gmail.com. List corrections to Cyberpizza@gmail.com. Directions: on UH Campus take Dole turn north on East West Rd. FIRST LEFT into unnamed access road to lot # 11 Your name will be on the list at the guard booth at the entrance to the parking lot. See map http://www.hawaii.edu/campusmap/ click on Marine Science [E4].

Official Website: http://www.cyberpizzahawaii.com

Added by hawaii on May 20, 2008

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