1st floor 5 Southampton St Covent Garden
London, England WC2E 7HA

The BCS Open Source Specialist Group (OSSG) annouce a presentation on 20th December 2006 by Simon Phipps, Chief Open Source Officer, Sun Microsystems, Inc: on the Open Sourcing of Java. Fuller details to follow…..

Provisional start time (to be confirmed) of 1800 hours. This event will be held at BCS Central London Offices, First Floor, The Davidson Building, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA

Please email your name to events@ossg.bcs.org to book a place at this event.

For further information please contact Mark Elkins via email at mark_elkins@bcs.org.

Official Website: http://ossg.bcs.org/2006/12/20/open-source-java-simon-phipps/

Added by jaylett on November 15, 2006