There are a significant number of open source search engines available from sites such as sourceforge and freshmeat. In this seminar we give a survey of these systems, and outline the motivation for using the open source software development model to create IR systems. We then give a detailed case study of Xapian, of how to create a web site search mechansim.
This will be a combined event hosted by the BCS Open Source SG (OSSG) and the Information Retrieval SG on Tuesday 21st November 2006 with a provisional start time (to be confirmed) of 1800 hours. This will be held at BCS Central London Offices, First Floor, The Davidson Building, 5 Southampton Street, London WC2E 7HA
Please email your name to the event coordinator ( to book a place at this event.
For further information please contact Mark Elkins via email at
Official Website:
Added by t0m on November 13, 2006