7231 Chicago Rd
Warren, Michigan 48092

Jager Entertainment Presents

Teddy's Unplugged

Tuesday's at Teddy's Tavern


$2 Wells
$1 pints of Coors Light

This week's host - Maria Wade's Acoustic Stories

Musicians from all genre's, singer's, comedians, entertainer's,
and those that just want to be entertained are welcome.
Come show off your talent's.

It's also game night. The puck drops at 8pm, Red Wings vs the Blues.
So game specials are in effect. Come watch it on our 12 High Def tv's.

$0.35 wings
$1 Domestic Drafts
$2 Shots
$3 Wells
$4 Burger and Fries
$5 Bombs
$10 Pizza and a Pitcher

Added by MariaWade on November 14, 2011

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