145 West 28th Street 3rd Floor
New York, New York 10001

Join a revolution of intelligent passionate people doing real things to make this world a better place. Be part of a process to express your ideas and insights for the future. Ideas that we can express to help us become more enlightened about our community and the world.

Come to Open Mic Night of Theater, Song, Ideas, and Current Events at the Actors Theatre Workshop, always on the last Wednesday of every month.

RSVP for Wednesday April 25, from 7 - 10 pm!
145 W. 28 St. 3rd fl. NYC.
Free or small donation.

For info and RSVP: http://www.actorstheatreworkshop.com or call 212-947-1386 x 0

Official Website: http://www.actorstheatreworkshop.com

Added by Sunyoung Hwang on April 18, 2012

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