Open Education 2008: Celebrating Ten Years of Open Content
The Fifth Annual Open Education Conference
The open content movement turns ten years old in 2008. Since 1998 we've seen the emergence of incredible collections of open content like Wikipedia, open course materials like MIT OCW, open e-learning like Carnegie Mellon's Open Learning Initiative, open record labels like Magnatune, open access journals like the Public Library of Science, and the list goes on. Since 2002 we have referred to open content designed to support learning as "open educational resources."
While many open educational resources projects and other open content projects are incredibly successful, not all of them are sustainable. The first question of the open educational resources movement will always be "are we supporting meaningful learning?" But the second question must be "do we have a sustainable model for continuing to support learning?" At this 10th anniversary conference we will explore these foundational themes of the open educational resources field.
The call for papers is and is open until May 30, 2008
Official Website:
Added by nessman on April 15, 2008