Galways' monthly Open Coffee morning is to be held this Friday at 11am at the DERI cafe at DERI, the Digital Enterprise Research Institute, based in the IDA Business Park in Dangan, Newcastle, Galway.All are welcome to attend.
It's an open and informal meeting place for people involved in startups, to come together and talk about whats going on in the technology space in Galway.This Friday Conn O' Muineachain, of Edgecast media, , will be recording short interviews with people who wish to use the opportunity to promote themselves.
Added by Inaom on October 30, 2007
Apologies, but Intruders,TV won't make it this time after all. Sorry for the short notice. Hope to make it to a future Open Coffee Galway.
From the City, go out the Newcastle Road. Turn Right at the traffic lights at the Westwood Hotel. The DERI Building is on the left hand side.