5542 Walnut St
PIttsburgh, Pennsylvania 15232

The OpenCoffee Club was started to encourage entrepreneurs, developers, and investors to organize real-world informal meetups to chat, network, and grow. Our next meeting will be on Friday, November 9th (9am) at Coffee Tree Roasters in Shadyside

This is a place to meet people, find out what's going on nearby you, and then take part.

Imagine it as a big open lounge where people come and go, talk to others in their industry, and informally showcase demos of what they are working on.

The main goal of OpenCoffee is to make investment more transparent to entrepreneurs, and to move away from the formalized "pitch" to an open conversation. Investors can give entrepreneurs really valuable feedback, and this environment is meant to foster that in a pressure-free way.

We look forward to seeing you in Shadyside on November 9th!

Please contact Aaron Tainter (atainter@mbvc.com) if you have any questions.

Official Website: http://opencoffeeclub.org

Added by atainter10 on November 2, 2007