This is the official announcement and invitation to the next open circle event hosted by the Covenant of Brighid's Haven. Our next event will be our open circle for Mabon/Autumnal Equinox on Wednesday, September 23rd at the Erie UU church, doors opening at 7pm, potluck feast to follow.
Please join us in celebration and thanksgiving as we move to the second harvest festival of the current turn of the wheel!
Our classic potluck feast will follow the rite, so please bring a dish to pass and note that a $3 donation is requested to help cover the cost of renting the space.
What: Open Circle for Mabon
When: Wedesnday, 9/23/09
What time: Doors open at 7pm, rite begins between 7:30 and 8:00, potluck feast to follow
Where: Erie UU Church, 7180 Perry Highway, 16509
What to wear: Please wear dark colors
What to bring: Dish for the potluck feast, donation is requested, chalice or drinking vessel if you have one you prefer to use.
Questions can reach us at
Hope to see you there!
For those who like to plan ahead, our next event, following this event, is as follows:
Open circle for Samhain, Wednesday, October 28th, UU, 7pm
Official Website:
Added by EriePAGuy on August 21, 2009