This is the official announcement and invitation to the next open circle event hosted by the Covenant of Brighid's Haven. Our next event will be our open circle for Lammas, also called First Harvest and Lughnasadh, among other names. This gathering will be held on Wednesday, August 6th, at the Erie UU church, doors opening at 7pm, rite to begin between 7:30 and 8:00, potluck feast to follow.
Join us as we partake of the Feast of Fortune, a shared feast of all senses held in celebration of and to create a blessing for the work and workers of harvests of all kinds.
What: Open Circle for Lammas/Lughnasadh
When: Wednesday, August 6th
Where: Erie UU Church, 7180 Perry Highway
What time: Doors open at 7, potluck feast follows the rite
What to wear: Please wear gold or other bright colors
What to bring: Dish for the potluck feast
Please note that a $3.00 donation is requested to help defray the
cost of renting the space.
Questions or comments can reach us at:
Hope to see you there!
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For those who like to plan ahead, our next two events, following this event will be as follows:
Open Circle for Mabon - 9/24/08
Open Circle for Samhain - 10/29/08
Event submitted by on behalf of EriePAGuy.
Added by EriePAGuy on July 24, 2008