54 Franklyn st.
New York, New York 10013


"Opah for Obama!"

Armenians & Greeks for Obama invite you to take part in a night of live music, wine, and support for Senator Barack Obama.

Join us on October 28th, 2008 at Lafayette Bar & Grill: 54-56 Franklin Street, New York, NY (b/w Lafayette & Broadway, near Canal subway exit).

Event time 6:30pm-9pm.

Speakers to include local community members, local NY politicians, and Tate Donovan, neighbor of Peter Balakian and actor, who has been invited.

For more information, please email events@armeniansforobama.com or call 917-428-1918.

Minimum contribution: $35. Please make checks out to Obama Victory Fund. Only checks and credit cards will be accepted.

Please help spread the word and learn why the Obama/Biden ticket is the best choice for Armenian-American voters!

Armenians for Obama t-shirts for donations over $50, stickers, and buttons available while they last!

This event was submitted by MyBO. Be sure to RSVP for this event @ MyBO!

Official Website: http://my.barackobama.com/page/event/detail/gs5gr8

Added by MyBO on October 14, 2008

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