"Are You Ready to Kick Your Video Skills into High Gear?"
Here's your chance to get on board the video train!
It's almost impossible to keep up with the rapid changes in video and how you can use online video to promote your business. It seems like every day there's a new video website or a cool, new video resource to figure out. Fortunately, now you can get an up-to-the-minute update on what's new, what's hot, and what you need to know in Online Video...
Online Video: Right Here, Right Now!
Details > http://onlinevideorightnow.com
You're invited to a brand new teleclass with the Online Video Guy Lou Bortone and Blogging Expert Denise Wakeman, that will give you the very latest on easy ways to use video to promote your business, increase your visibility and get more clients!
This special, one-time teleseminar will feature the absolute newest info available on video - including the latest video sharing sites like TwitCam.com, iPhone video, sharing videos via Flipshare and even new websites that let you create your own video in minutes!
Now is the time!
According to a new study by Pew Internet research, Online Video is still growing at an explosive pace, and is now even more popular than social networking! (62% of Americans use online video compared to just 46% who have ever used a social network like Twitter or Facebook).
And if that isn't reason enough to jump on the video craze, YouTube is now the 4th most visited website on the Internet, with 85 Million visitors last month alone. If you want access to that enormous audience, you need to get your video online now!
Join us on Thursday, August 27 at 2 p.m. Eastern for a 75-minute teleseminar featuring cutting-edge tips and tactics to get the best out of online video and take advantage of this incredible tool for building your business.
You'll learn the very latest details on:
* New features for getting more out of your YouTube account
* New video websites such as OneTrueMedia and TwitCam
* The new iPhone 3G with VIDEO
* The new FlipShare site for the FlipCam
*The power of Veeple for online video management
NOTE: this is NOT a freebie. This is a 75 minute training session. No pitch. You're going to learn what's hot and what's new in online video so you can apply it to your business right away.
Reserve your spot right now: http://onlinevideorightnow.com
ANOTHER NOTE: If you already own Denise and Lou's program Online Video Made Easy, you get this class as a free bonus. No need to register. You'll get the dial-in details soon.
Official Website: http://onlinevideorightnow.com
Added by Premiere Virtual Office on August 18, 2009