529 14th Street NW
Washington, D.C., District of Columbia 20045

With the the rise of YouTube, iTunes, and the ubiquity of Flash-based multimedia services, internet video and has become easier, cheaper and more popular than ever before. Photo slideshows, interactive presentations, games, and virtual worlds have become more common elements of the online experience. These rich media provide nonprofits and policy organizations new opportunities to tell stories, advocate, raise funds, and motivate supporters. They also create new costs and expectations.

In this Web Executive Seminar hosted by Forum One, This session will explore how several organizations are effectively (and cost-effectively) using video and rich media to stimulate action and spread policy ideas to supporters, decision-makers and the news media.

Speakers include:

* Jeremy Ames, manager of EPA's Radon Video Contest, the first YouTube contest run by a federal agency.
* Sam Gregory, Communications & Outreach Manager, The Hub, the "YouTube for human rights" and initiative of WITNESS.
* Morgan Jindrich, co-director, Cover America Tour, a project of Consumers Union, nonprofit publisher of Consumer Reports.
* Marci McCoy-Roth, co-director of Kids Are Waiting campaign, a project of the Pew Charitable Trusts.

Forum One Communications is organizing this session. Multiple organizations will be presenting. This event is the latest in a series of web and communications events hosted by Forum One.


8:00-8:10: Registration
8:10-8:30: Welcome and Introductions
8:30-9:45: First Panel: Overview and interactive case study
9:45-10:00: Break
10:00-11:00: Second Panel: Additional case studies, discussion

11:00-12:30: Optional Networking/Socializing/Lunch with presenters (pay as you go)

Price: $95 ($80 before Oct. 17). Space is limited. Fee is fully refundable prior to Oct. 13, not refundable after (but admission is transferable).

For more information, visit www.forumone.com/wes, or contact Andrew Cohen at acohen@forumone.com.

Official Website: http://video.eventbrite.com

Added by Eventbrite Tawnee events on October 27, 2008