The Online Community Unconference is a gathering of online community practitioners - managers, developers, business people, tool providers, investors - to discuss experience and strategies in the development and growth of online communities.
Those involved in online community development (and social software in general) share many common challenges: community management, tools, marketing, business models, legal issues. As we have found with our past events, the best source of information on all of these challenges is other knowledgeable practitioners.
The Online Community Unconference is inspired by the emerging "open space" conference format. (For an excellent description, see this CNN Money article on last year's Unconferences.)
An extensive Unconference FAQ has been posted here:
The Computer History Museum in Mountain View is a unique venue with plenty of parking and WiFi. Lunch and snacks will be provided, and the Museum exhibits will be open to the group during the breaks.
For more event information, or information about sponsorship opportunities contact Bill Johnston.
Tags: ocu2009, NPtech
Official Website:
Added by hvirga on January 5, 2009
Try asking . He was talking elsewhere about reduced prices for unemployed online community practiioners.
any scholarships?