328 Swanston Street
Melbourne, Victoria 3000

Online activism and civic engagement

With the advent of Web 2.0, online networking is on the rise. How can the new technologies be used for civic engagement, and is online activism effective? Panel members include: Karen Farquharson, Senior Lecturer in Sociology, Swinburne University of Technology; Anna Helme, Project Manager, EngageMedia video-sharing site; Andrew Asten, National Director of the Oaktree Foundation’s Schools 4 Schools program; Scott Rippon, One Laptop Per Child

Time: Tues 12 August, 6.30–8pm
Venue: Experimedia, State Library of Victoria
Bookings: 03 8664 7555 or learning@slv.vic.gov.au

Official Website: http://www.slv.vic.gov.au/programs/whats_on/2008/wo_0808_e.html

Added by s-j on July 29, 2008

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