As one journal article has billed him, Bill Nguyen is Mr. Do-It-All. Bill is an entrepreneur's entrepreneur, and one of the few in the Valley, who truly deserves the term serial entrepreneur. He has founded or played a critical role in an amazing 7 startups. Bill has taken on the world of messaging with, which he founded and sold to what is now Openwave for $850 million. He has taken on the world of telecommunications with Seven Networks, whose goal is to make mobile email available on every mobile phone at an affordable price, and whose mobile email software is now deployed with 115 of the world's largest mobile operators, and works on 240+ handsets. Now Bill is taking on the world of music with his current startup, Bill's startups typically aim at nothing less than revolutionary changes at each industry he takes on.
In this engaging one-on-one setting, we will chat with Bill about his passion for startups (i.e., What makes him tick?), the driving factors for his many successes (i.e., How does he do it?), and his advice to the budding entrepreneur in the audience (i.e., How can the rest of us do it?). Join us for an insightful evening with Bill, and network with others from the CSPA as well as the VSVN communities.
This event is hosted jointly with the Vietnamese Strategic Ventures Network. Drinks and light food will be served.
Pre-pay: $15 for CSPA premium & VSVN members, $20 for Students, $25 for Basic members, $30 for non-members (register as basic member for free); +$5 for walkins.
Official Website:
Added by FullCalendar on November 10, 2007