The One Laptop Per Child project was founded in 2005 by Nicholas Negroponte with a core of MIT Media Lab veterans. Its flagship XO laptop is a unique machine with features created specifically for children of the emerging world. Ed Cherlin, project contributor and author of the forthcoming book "Ending Poverty for Fun and Profit", will talk about the XO and demo its hardware and software. For more information about OLPC see and OLPC News.
The Bay Area Linux Users Group meets the third Tuesday of each month at the Four Seas Restaurant in Chinatown. We talk about Linux and share large portions of Chinese food. At only $11 per person for dinner, this is one of the best epicurean deals in the city. Show up by 7 if you want dinner, or earlier (6:30) for some social chat at the bar. If you can't make dinner, feel free to show up at 7:45 for the talk. Meet up afterwards (9:15) at the Li Po Lounge (916 Grant Ave) for more talking and drinking.
Official Website:
Added by Jesse Zbikowski on May 3, 2007
will try to make it, may have visitors I have to take out but look forward to future meetings if I miss this one
Jesse Zbikowski
OLPC Nepal is recruiting four volunteers to spend the summer in Kathmandu developing educational software.