1722 N High St
Columbus, Ohio 43201

The ONE Campaign's Stand Up Against Poverty at Lifestyle Communities Pavilion: Indie rock band The Celebrity Pilots, and The 3rd, one of Columbus's premier hip-hop acts, will join Mayor Michael Coleman and community members from all over Ohio to stand in solidarity with the poorest of the poor. To Stand Up Against Poverty.

The ONE Campaign's Stand Up Against Poverty at Lifestyle Communities Pavilion is one of more than 100 grassroots events taking place October 15 to demonstrate that Americans from all walks of life are doing their part in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty.

The events on October 15 are also part of a global attempt to set an official world record for the largest number of people ever to stand up for a cause. Six years ago, 189 world leaders agreed to halve world poverty and achieve the Millennium Development Goals by 2015. On October 15, millions around the world will STAND-UP to remind them of this promise.

ONE members, faith leaders, students, community members, and people from both sides of the political aisle will join together on this day to "cast ONE vote" not for a candidate or party—but instead to help send a message to our politicians that we can make a better,
safer world for us all.

During a time when the airwaves are filled with campaign ads asking them for their vote, more than 2.4 million supporters are sharing a message that ONE is a campaign in which Americans do not have to take sides–there is only ONE side in the fight against global AIDS and extreme poverty. This is part of a long-term strategy to make the over 1 billion people who live on less than $1 a day part of the election conversation.

Other highlights around the country include services in places of worship in evangelical Christian churches all across America; and more than 10,000 AIDS walkers participating in a "Stand-Up" to kick-off the Atlanta AIDS Walk. Some highlights around the globe for the same day include a huge human chain in South Korea; prayers and 5,000 dancers leading a stand-up in Indonesia; and 1,000 cyclists carrying the "Stand Up Against Poverty" message across 100km in Sri Lanka.

Organized by:
The ONE Campaign

Our partners and sponsors include CD101, WCBE, Capital University, CARE, Bread for the World and many others.

Katie Andrews at kandrews@data.org or 614-314-1647

To learn more about the Columbus event including maps, updated sponsors and more visit

Official Website: http://www.onecampaigncolumbus.org/standup

Added by seibu1 on October 9, 2006

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